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Meditation Class


What You Need

Services: Services
Wandering Traveler


Coaching, Reiki, and Brainspotting Services

  • Create the life of your dreams

  • Optimize sports and performance

  • Reduce stress

  • Increase happiness and fulfillment

  • Set and achieve goals

  • Enhance creativity

  • Support for pain, illness and grief

  • Healthy teen coping strategies

Using simple Coaching tools and techniques, I help others learn to RIDE the energetic waves of LIFE. Life can be overwhelming, and at times you may lose sight of your authentic self. If you’re struggling personally,  scholastically, or professionally, or just need a reset or re-visioning, I can help you realign with your core being and true gifts.

I’ll teach you to release limiting beliefs and energetic blocks, and guide you through a process of self-discovery. Through a simple questioning process we work together to uncover meaningful goals, set clear intentions and design fun and effective action steps for the week. A few follow up sessions will help keep you on track and reinforce the method so it becomes a positive and empowering habit in your daily life. With regular practice your energy will naturally shift into a more joyful state of being so you can Elevate Your Journey!

Coaching, Reiki and Brainspotting can work independently or in tandem with each other to customize and maximize the results of each session.

Reiki Treatment


Energy Work

Reiki is an incredible way to reduce stress and increase peace and calm! This is a gentle, hands-on (or off) technique where my client is fully clothed and either lying down or sitting in a chair. I typically hold my hands on or over energy centers of the body (mainly head and torso) and other areas of injury or tension.

Reiki can be deeply relaxing and helps shift you out of “fight or flight” mode and into a state where your body is more equipped to “rest, digest and self-heal.” Reiki can help with depression, anxiety, sleep, pain, grief and even decrease blood pressure. It may also
help boost energy, improve clarity of mind, and increase your overall wellness.

Sat on the Rocks


Find Your Joy

Brainspotting is a Mind-Body therapy that uses a fixed eye position to access the mid-brain where stuck memories and emotions can be processed through to achieve healthier states of emotional balance. With this technique old patterns can quickly be recognized and released making way for deep healing and transformation. Get ready for the miracles to happen!

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