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Inspired Coaching by Sharon Reese

Making the first step towards change is often the hardest thing to do. Enter RIDE LIFE COACH, an experienced coaching professional. By providing clients with the right tools and knowledge, RIDE LIFE COACH has helped clients unleash their potential, paving the way towards both personal and professional success. Discover what they can do for you today.

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Happy Hiking


From Overwhelm to Truth

After decades of feeling as if I was in constant overwhelm I finally decided things needed to change.
I ended my career in helping to run a manufacturing business and began one that aligned more closely with my authentic self. More than 7 years ago I embarked on this journey of personal growth and transformation by becoming a Certified Professional Life Coach and Reiki Master/Teacher. I
continue this journey to this day and look forward to a life time of learning about the sweetness in healing, the ease of manifesting, the power of gratitude, the peace in the present moment, the liberation in living from love rather than fear, and so much more. I learned that everything is energy, including your thoughts, and energy can be transformed. I learned how to stay more grounded and
centered with my own energy as the energetic waves of life that were out of my control came at me.

I felt much more empowered to control my reactions in challenging situations and to let go of judgment and self doubt and really go after what was in alignment with my truth.

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Scenic Mountain Biking


Tools for Manifestation

Using this unfolding knowledge, I began to view everything in my life as energy, and as a result, I developed a model I call “Alchemy” which means transformation for the better. “Alchemy” began with four pillars using the acronym RIDE: Rational mind, Intuitive mind, Desires and Emotions. These are tools we all have to help us navigate through life. When these are in tune, there’s a wonderful, loving
energy that fills our heart, mind, body and spirit. Our “vibration” is high and we can easily connect with our higher guidance and manifest the life of our dreams. Working to refine your energy and attain this high vibration aims you toward the higher platform in the “Alchemy” model called LIFE:
Living In Full Enlightenment. A commonly heard phrase is “Life is an illusion.” Maybe it depends where you are looking. If you are aiming toward LIFE then you will have a clearer picture of who you really are, and what gifts you have to bring to the world. When you reach for a vibration of  higher love, you shine brighter. You see that light growing brighter in yourself and others see it as well. When others see it, they will naturally shine brighter too.

About: Welcome


Start your Journey

My Coaching, Reiki and Brainspotting sessions can work independently or in combination to help you release blocks, transform your fear, find more peace, calm, and healing, increase your happiness, fulfillment and joy, discover your authentic self and true desires, and help you create the life of your dreams. Although Coaching and Reiki are effective tools individually, I’ve found that using them in combination can be even more powerful. During a Coaching session, true desires are discovered, and intention setting and action steps are planned.

Thoughts and words are energy and Coaching and Brainspotting can bring up emotions and physiological changes in the body which come to the surface to be worked with. The beauty of following up with Reiki, is that it allows a time of rest and relaxation where the work can settle in, become integrated and balanced at multiple levels of mind, body, heart and spirit. From this place, you can gain more clarity and energy to help you follow through with achieving your goals.

About: Welcome
Wandering Traveler


Why am I the RIDE LIFE Coach? Using the “Alchemy” model and other Coaching tools and techniques, and/or Reiki, I help others learn to RIDE the energetic waves of LIFE.

During my sessions you can discover how to transform your energy so your brilliance becomes even brighter while you remain centered and grounded in yourself. Each person who does this work radiates a higher vibration out to those around them, and the whole world shines a little brighter. How amazing is that? When you choose to transform your energy to enhance your own life, it also has a positive effect on those around you and also for the greater good!

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