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  • ridelifecoach

Energize Your Journey

Do you ever enter a room, sense the tension and get the urge to bolt back out the door? Or, maybe you're at the mall and find yourself feeling uncomfortable, unfocused and unable to make a purchase? It could be just the opposite too. That certain person who always manages to raise your spirits or the yoga class that gets you in instant Zen mode when you walk through the door. If this sounds familiar you could be a highly sensitive individual, meaning, you pick up the vibrational energy of others around you. Lower vibration energy comes from things like negative thoughts, fears, shame, blame, guilt, and judgment. It leaves you with a feeling of lack and separation. Higher vibration energy is a result of positive thoughts, acceptance, gratitude, love, happiness, joy, harmony and other uplifting emotions. These states give you a feeling of unity and abundance.

So, how do you keep your energy high when you suddenly find the life being sucked out of you for no apparent reason? Try this simple trick. Close your eyes and take a several slow deep breaths. Imagine yourself breathing in beautiful, golden white light with each breath. Allow it to fill your lungs and enter your heart. Visualize it being pumped throughout your body and into every cell. Feel the tension in your body releasing with every exhale. Now imagine that you are so full of this light that it begins breaking through the barrier of your skin and surrounds you in a golden white bubble of pure light. Feel your energy rise as you bathe in this beautiful light. Keep this energy protecting vision with you where ever you go. And the great thing is, when you notice a negative vibe happening in someone else, you can help the situation without saying a word. Simply open your heart, send them love, and visualize them surrounded in their own bubble on energizing and protective golden white light. Now you can journey on with a higher vibration which ultimately raises the vibration of the planet!

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